Because I am blogging from my new cell phone and because these really are the worlds best pancakes and because I haven't blogged in months and because I love you, I am going to share this recipe! How's that for proper sentence structure?
*Disclaimer - I have never in my life used an app from a phone to blog so if it eds up looking horrible please forgive me and just move on to the dang recipe and trust me ha!
Ok this is the easiest homemade pancake recipe I have ever tried. The fact that it is the only homemade pancake recipe I have ever tried means nothing hehe. I will never, EVER buy pancake mix again....these are THAT good and THAT easy. Scouts honor. They are light and fluffy and ohhhhh so filling. I fed these to two teenage boys who could only eat three each. I swear these rival ihop. To top it off they are foolproof. How do I know you ask? Because I have screwed up the recipe three times and they still came out amazing lol
Worlds Best Pancakes
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1 1/8 cup buttermilk
Ok It also calls for melted butter but I tried it once and I messed up the batter. I also cut the salt waaaaaay down. This also only will make 4 pancakes really. If you double or triple the recipe, don't add all the butermilk at once. Instead watch the consistency. You want it slightly lumpy and pretty thick. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and it will get sort of foamy. This is good. Once your pour on the pan, spread slightly but not too much or the won't puff up. Cook as you would a normal pancake and enjoy!
*Disclaimer - I have never in my life used an app from a phone to blog so if it eds up looking horrible please forgive me and just move on to the dang recipe and trust me ha!
Ok this is the easiest homemade pancake recipe I have ever tried. The fact that it is the only homemade pancake recipe I have ever tried means nothing hehe. I will never, EVER buy pancake mix again....these are THAT good and THAT easy. Scouts honor. They are light and fluffy and ohhhhh so filling. I fed these to two teenage boys who could only eat three each. I swear these rival ihop. To top it off they are foolproof. How do I know you ask? Because I have screwed up the recipe three times and they still came out amazing lol
Worlds Best Pancakes
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1 1/8 cup buttermilk
Ok It also calls for melted butter but I tried it once and I messed up the batter. I also cut the salt waaaaaay down. This also only will make 4 pancakes really. If you double or triple the recipe, don't add all the butermilk at once. Instead watch the consistency. You want it slightly lumpy and pretty thick. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and it will get sort of foamy. This is good. Once your pour on the pan, spread slightly but not too much or the won't puff up. Cook as you would a normal pancake and enjoy!

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